post #9000000 GET!
Donmai (and things regarding it)

Posted under General

And detail-specific wikipage here: howto:pawoo

Let's talk about this particular but very interesting instance of mastodon that pixiv is officially running here from this fork.

For a short tl;dr, Mastodon is basically a 'decentralized' Twitter. It refers to both the code/software to run an instance of a Mastodon server, and the decentralized social network as a whole. There's a few small differences, like the fact their home page is basically a tweetdeck clone. Anyways, Pixiv picked it up and decided to call their server Pawoo.

Some notes:

  • jpg/jpeg is resampled. png isn't, however -- it's just a higher filesize, perhaps from lower level compression or garbage metadata. Same thing as Twitter.
  • Image sizes are apparently configured on this instance to be a maximum of 1280x1280.
  • Will also mention that pawoo seems to sample at a much lower quantity than Twitter for jpg. Just wanted to point that out, see post #2693094 for example. This is a good thing.

But I think it needs some exploring. The sooner we accommodate for the bookmarklet/upload page/scripts now, the better.

Things to do:

  • Making the bookmarklet work
  • Retrieving artist
  • Retrieving commentary
  • Bookmarklet using original toot as source -- This is kinda buggy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. See source:
  • Checking for sample sizes if they exist -- none exist, for now

Pinging relevant users @evazion @BrokenEagle98

External links



EDIT: Organizing

EDIT 2: I will also mention that Pawoo is also the name of pixiv's elephant mascot... which is probably their naming inspiration.

EDIT 3: Most popular instance currently

EDIT 4: Added link to howto:pawoo

EDIT 5: Some support updates

EDIT 6: Long-awaited thingies


Oh, yeah you do. I can provide a quick translation if you can't read Japanese but here's the rundown for signing up:

Register with (from top to bottom)

  • Username
  • Email address
  • Password
  • Reenter password
  • Big blue button = Register
    • ログイン = login, このインスタンスについて = about this instance

After, it should send you an email to confirm your registration, then login with your email and password.

To make life easier for you: After logging in, click on the gear icon in the top left and it will bring you to settings. Click on the side tab that says "ユーザー設定" (user settings) and under the drop down menu next to "言語" (language), set it to English. Confirm your changes by clicking the blue button at the bottom and you're done.


Mmmm.... sort of, yeah. It doesn't seem to primarily be focused on image sharing (although it inevitably is), but I've seen popular artists basically use it the same way as Twitter (as they're functionally very, very similar). So that means photos of food and random game screenshots too.

Think of it as "Twitter", but managed by Pixiv.

Am I taking crazy pills, or is there no function to search through all of that madness...? At least you can search through tweets, or am I missing something?

Regardless, tomorrow, I'll start skimming the accounts (luckily they are arranged by numerical ID) for URLs to try to find matches in our artist database.


It's... hard to search through. Feels like a mess.

Mastodon is still new, so maybe there'll be more advanced searching features in the feature. Hell, I just want to be able to browse a user's "tweets" without their retweets. A "media only" tab like Twitter has would also be nice.

Initial API findings...

The user account info is retrieved by doing a GET with credentials to " ".

User Account JSON
  "statuses_count": 24,
  "created_at": "2017-04-15T05:52:26.917Z",
  "locked": false,
  "note": "\u30a4\u30e9\u30b9\u30c8\u30ec\u30fc\u30bf\u30fc\r\n\u2729Twitter\u2729\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/siokonbu24\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">https:\/\/<\/span><span class=\"\">\/siokonbu24<\/span><span class=\"invisible\"><\/span><\/a>\r\n\u2729web\u2729\r\n<a href=\"http:\/\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">http:\/\/<\/span><span class=\"ellipsis\">site-1015412-1094-9130.strikin<\/span><span class=\"invisible\">\/<\/span><\/a>",
  "url": "https:\/\/\/@karinto_yamada",
  "acct": "karinto_yamada",
  "avatar": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/avatars\/000\/022\/833\/original\/00533312362b2e65.JPG?1492236029",
  "avatar_static": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/avatars\/000\/022\/833\/original\/00533312362b2e65.JPG?1492236029",
  "followers_count": 30,
  "following_count": 29,
  "display_name": "\u304b\u308a\u3093\u3068\u5c71\u7530",
  "id": 22833,
  "header": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/headers\/000\/022\/833\/original\/06236c5a57c808d1.JPG?1492236029",
  "header_static": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/headers\/000\/022\/833\/original\/06236c5a57c808d1.JPG?1492236029",
  "username": "karinto_yamada"

Status is found at "[]=USERID "...

User status JSON
    "muting": false,
    "requested": false,
    "followed_by": false,
    "blocking": false,
    "id": 22833,
    "following": false

Tweets, posts, or whatever they're called are found at " "...

User posts (shortened to one instance for conciseness)
    "visibility": "public",
    "in_reply_to_account_id": null,
    "sensitive": false,
    "created_at": "2017-04-16T02:49:03.168Z",
    "spoiler_text": "",
    "in_reply_to_id": null,
    "content": "<p><\/p>",
    "account": {
      "statuses_count": 24,
      "created_at": "2017-04-15T05:52:26.917Z",
      "locked": false,
      "note": "\u30a4\u30e9\u30b9\u30c8\u30ec\u30fc\u30bf\u30fc\r\n\u2729Twitter\u2729\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/siokonbu24\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">https:\/\/<\/span><span class=\"\">\/siokonbu24<\/span><span class=\"invisible\"><\/span><\/a>\r\n\u2729web\u2729\r\n<a href=\"http:\/\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">http:\/\/<\/span><span class=\"ellipsis\">site-1015412-1094-9130.strikin<\/span><span class=\"invisible\">\/<\/span><\/a>",
      "url": "https:\/\/\/@karinto_yamada",
      "acct": "karinto_yamada",
      "avatar": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/avatars\/000\/022\/833\/original\/00533312362b2e65.JPG?1492236029",
      "avatar_static": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/avatars\/000\/022\/833\/original\/00533312362b2e65.JPG?1492236029",
      "followers_count": 30,
      "following_count": 29,
      "display_name": "\u304b\u308a\u3093\u3068\u5c71\u7530",
      "id": 22833,
      "header": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/headers\/000\/022\/833\/original\/06236c5a57c808d1.JPG?1492236029",
      "header_static": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/headers\/000\/022\/833\/original\/06236c5a57c808d1.JPG?1492236029",
      "username": "karinto_yamada"
    "uri": ",2017-04-16:objectId=443989:objectType=Status",
    "favourited": null,
    "mentions": [
    "url": "https:\/\/\/@karinto_yamada\/443989",
    "reblog": {
      "visibility": "public",
      "in_reply_to_account_id": null,
      "sensitive": null,
      "created_at": "2017-04-15T06:04:28.964Z",
      "spoiler_text": "",
      "in_reply_to_id": null,
      "content": "<p>\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8<\/p>",
      "account": {
        "statuses_count": 24,
        "created_at": "2017-04-15T05:52:26.917Z",
        "locked": false,
        "note": "\u30a4\u30e9\u30b9\u30c8\u30ec\u30fc\u30bf\u30fc\r\n\u2729Twitter\u2729\r\n<a href=\"https:\/\/\/siokonbu24\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">https:\/\/<\/span><span class=\"\">\/siokonbu24<\/span><span class=\"invisible\"><\/span><\/a>\r\n\u2729web\u2729\r\n<a href=\"http:\/\/\/\" rel=\"nofollow noopener noopener\" target=\"_blank\"><span class=\"invisible\">http:\/\/<\/span><span class=\"ellipsis\">site-1015412-1094-9130.strikin<\/span><span class=\"invisible\">\/<\/span><\/a>",
        "url": "https:\/\/\/@karinto_yamada",
        "acct": "karinto_yamada",
        "avatar": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/avatars\/000\/022\/833\/original\/00533312362b2e65.JPG?1492236029",
        "avatar_static": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/avatars\/000\/022\/833\/original\/00533312362b2e65.JPG?1492236029",
        "followers_count": 30,
        "following_count": 29,
        "display_name": "\u304b\u308a\u3093\u3068\u5c71\u7530",
        "id": 22833,
        "header": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/headers\/000\/022\/833\/original\/06236c5a57c808d1.JPG?1492236029",
        "header_static": "https:\/\/\/accounts\/headers\/000\/022\/833\/original\/06236c5a57c808d1.JPG?1492236029",
        "username": "karinto_yamada"
      "uri": ",2017-04-15:objectId=149157:objectType=Status",
      "favourited": null,
      "mentions": [
      "url": "https:\/\/\/@karinto_yamada\/149157",
      "reblogs_count": 1,
      "id": 149157,
      "application": {
        "website": "https:\/\/\/us\/OfFxib.i",
        "name": "Amaroq"
      "favourites_count": 4,
      "reblogged": null,
      "media_attachments": [
          "type": "image",
          "remote_url": "",
          "text_url": "https:\/\/\/media\/EVicDT6xsB-ctf0z8jg",
          "preview_url": "https:\/\/\/media_attachments\/files\/000\/020\/082\/small\/172dcc42f7fac609.jpeg?1492236267",
          "url": "https:\/\/\/media_attachments\/files\/000\/020\/082\/original\/172dcc42f7fac609?1492236267",
          "id": 20082
          "type": "image",
          "remote_url": "",
          "text_url": "https:\/\/\/media\/8rDVSHU3QEfS9ESP5mk",
          "preview_url": "https:\/\/\/media_attachments\/files\/000\/020\/083\/small\/2ee7f0dfb74f650d.jpeg?1492236268",
          "url": "https:\/\/\/media_attachments\/files\/000\/020\/083\/original\/2ee7f0dfb74f650d?1492236268",
          "id": 20083
      "tags": [
    "reblogs_count": 0,
    "id": 443989,
    "application": null,
    "favourites_count": 0,
    "reblogged": null,
    "media_attachments": [
    "tags": [

Just read this article and apparently they call those things "toots"

But yeah, interesting. It would probably fly a lot faster if we could just add the pawoo accounts we find to artists by any other links they provide.

EDIT: Also noted that twitter username will eventually be populated a small amount by handles that are actually "pawoo usernames"... I wonder how that'll iron out. Most artists are using the same handle for pawoo and twitter, but some aren't.

Ah well, what do, right. Cross that bridge when we have to.


Oh that.

Nah, I just changed this part here.

...especially given it only went live like a few days ago and is already the fourth third most popular instance currently registered...

It's growing really fast. Might surpass the official JP instance at this rate. Twitter has been a little more quiet in response.

Although I'm happy they've gone this route (since pawoo has a LOT less artifacts), the resolution leaves a bit much to be desired. Fingers crossed they expand their maximum resolutions, since I'm pretty sure pixiv has a lot of space given how much sheer content they host. Perhaps they have ideas for what they want to do with the service. It could be the 'replacement' to pixiv sketch and the feed system.

...and pawoo's just strangely so fun to say.

EDIT: Pawoo is second if you count just the amount of statuses being pumped out.

Well, I'm interested in how this will play out.
Especially considering Twitter: Twitter does some strange things when we upload from there (jpeg artifacts) and makes the Twitter version lower in quality.
Is that also the case when uploading from pawoo (if you can say that)?

Pawoo does sample jpg images as I've mentioned in Edit 1 and 3, but it's quite minimal and hard to tell at least from my perspective.

For png, there's pretty much no difference pixel-by-pixel with an equivalent pixiv/seiga/nijie upload. Just higher filesize for no apparent reason.

Toskana said:

Ah ok.
So it's definitely safer to upload from there than from Twitter for Non-Contributors :3.

Yes and no. From what I can see, their jpgs are less artifacted (I'd say about 20% less), but are still pretty artifacted, and should be childed to a lossless source where appropriate.


It's less, but it isn't exactly 'safe-safe'. Just better enough to warrant uploading to replace a twitter upload whenever present. I usually try to check for pixiv/seiga full-sizes before going through with one. The resolution limit is also another factor to take into account.

Pixiv and other sites that provide original quality without resizing (as Tumblr does) are still high priority/acceptability on the list. I see pawoo as pretty much a second, slightly superior Twitter (at least, for all images that are under 1280x1280 and/or png).

But the developers behind it might make a change down the line. It's up in the air since it's still very new. The biggest concern currently seems to be bandwidth, which is especially important for a microblogging service. I wouldn't mind if they did sampling as aggressively as Twitter does, just as long as the original is kept pristine.

All of those moonrunes confuses me. @Mikaeri, if you don't mind, can you make a small guide about how to follow artists and the function of those small buttons in the future?
Just realized that I can change the language setting. So there is no longer need for this.
What's the difference between Public Timelines with Public Local Timelines? Also, is there any way to find the Pawoo username through Pixiv username easily?


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