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Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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Provence said:

Then the "Tags" should be removed from the "History" category on the left.

It isn't permanent, so there wouldn't be any reason too... besides, the tag history is still available for all changes before they stopped being recorded.

When I try to make a new forum topic, I get this error message saying it requires my title to be 255 characters or more. Isn't this a mistake? It should be less, shouldn't it?

Type-kun said:

DText formatter is playing tricks again, comment #1401949

That's not really an error. The non-bracketed version of the textile link is known to be wonky and it can consume unintended characters. The answer is to use the bracketed version of the textile link.

As for the [/quote] error, any non-terminated style links will still have that style at the top of the machine stack. So when the machine finds the [/quote], it checks for BLOCK_QUOTE, but instead sees INLINE_I, so it prints out "[/quote]" and continues to search for an [/i] tag.

The same issue would be observed if the following paragraph were used instead.

This is my [i]stylized text

Don't know the best way that the above can be fixed. Should an issue be submitted for that, or should it just be an accepted behavior?

Question about the "detailed rejection" which is a mod queue tool and sends an automated DMail the next day:
If I write a detailed rejection and it gets re-approved before the next day starts, does the user still receive the automated DMail?

Provence said:

Question about the "detailed rejection" which is a mod queue tool and sends an automated DMail the next day:
If I write a detailed rejection and it gets re-approved before the next day starts, does the user still receive the automated DMail?

From what I read in the code, post disapprovals only get deleted if a month has passed or the post gets expunged. So yes, they should still receive an automated DMail.

Can someone explain what is going on here?

What I actually did:
- uploaded the image with various tags
- accidentally removed the character name and commentary request tags while adding other tags.
- readded the commentary request tag
- readded the character name tag
- translated the commentary, setting it to remove the commentary request tag and add the commentary one.

Yet for the last two of those things it seems to have added the previous change as well, so it looks like I did stuff twice. It's not even possible to add the character name tag from the commentary dialogue box.


BrokenEagle98 said:

If you can disable Javascript for Danbooru (using something like NoScript), you can still create/edit topics as the character limit check uses Javascript.

In regards to this, you can also use different browsers.

This issue existed for me in the following broswer/version...

  • Chrome Version 56

...and not in the following browsers/versions...

  • Internet Explorer 11
  • Firefox 47

Although I haven't confirmed it myself, Type-kun mentioned that he didn't have any issues with the Presto-based Opera. (Ref: issue #2913)

Mikaeri said:

Anyways, does it really matter, just as long as the image gets tagged in a brief time anyway? I was in the middle of tagging hews hack's newest collection until I decided "someone might upload before I do" and just finished the rest as they were already upped. It's really not that big a deal to me.

It may not be a big deal to uploaders, but it can be mighty annoying for tag gardeners. When I find a recent upload with the bare minimum of tags, it isn't immediately apparent if the uploader is in the middle of adding more tags or simply did a crap job and has no intention of finishing it. I can go ahead and garden, only to waste my time on basic tags that the uploader added post-upload, or I can choose to ignore it and risk a good image being lost in the database because it was never thoroughly tagged.

Builder+ users can generally be trusted to tag their uploads properly and promptly, but the time between uploading and tagging should be reasonable. Tag gardeners shouldn't be expected to wait half an hour before stepping in and getting the job done.

I suppose you have a point there. Anytime I do a quick upload I try to at least get 10 basic ones in before doing the rest, and then tag all of the rest within 5-10 minutes.

I've seen other Builder+ occasionally severely under-tag and not get back to it until about 1-2 hours later, without anyone else picking up the slack for them. I think they know who they are, but it is a pretty looked down upon practice that I try to avoid as frequently as I can.