
Danbooru 2 Issues Topic

Posted under General

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He deleted his comments on multiple posts which all happened to be on the same page. That said, posts' last_commented_at should have been set to nil when he did it so they wouldn't show up in the post listing. It was broken when "is_deleted" flag has been introduced to comments.

Sacriven said:

Albert PM'ed me regarding "post that got criticized by moderators." Is this a new feature like Tagging Bot or Albert really PM'ed me personally?

This is a bot that contacts you if you have a post that got a "Detailed Rejection".

Provence said:

This is a bot that contacts you if you have a post that got a "Detailed Rejection".

I think this is where the DanbooruBot account could get more use out of so people won't be confused on whether albert or not really did send those messages.

Sacriven said:

Provence said:

This is a bot that contacts you if you have a post that got a "Detailed Rejection".

I see. Achievement unlocked!

Hm ... I wasn't aware of this. Maybe I should use the "Detailed Rejection" feature more often. ^^

Highway Go-Go said:

I can't look at my own uploads.
No idea what's going on but i think it might be the "space" in my username that's doing it.

Can agree with that.
When I go to your profile and click "Uploads", then the search field says this:
"user:Highway Go-Go"

Usernames are normally prevented from having spaces for this reason. It looks like in your case the space in your name is a unicode figure space character (U+2007), not a normal space, which is how you were able to register your name.

I suggest you change your name to Highway_Go-Go. Other things like @mentions won't work either if your name has spaces.