post #9000000 GET!

reverse rape?

Posted under General

i'm sorry, i just find that to be a silly tag and a combination of words to use, when describing a female forcing sex on a male. it's still rape.

reverse rape to me would be two characters trying to overpower each other in some kind of sex game.

or when its no game at all, and both are just out to take control of each other.

Updated by 0xCCBA696

It's silly from the perspective that it implies "normal" rape is inherently a male on female action, which has all sorts of problems from an intellectual perspective. But in terms of fandom lingo, it has some precedent in reverse trap and reverse harem. I have to be honest and say I've never specifically heard reverse rape before, but it doesn't surprise me it would exist.

On the other hand, we currently have femdom with far more posts. is there a significant visual difference between the two in terms of a tagging standpoint? "Consent" can be quite difficult to confirm in a still, fictional image.

femdom would make more sense to me.
it covers rape, forced sexual acts, abuse and domination.

Fandom wise (internet culture) i can understand why the term 'reverse rape' is used, but i am seriously left with a "HUH?" when i look at it. i don't have a serious issue with it, i just find it unnecessary.

even thinking about it, it seems to broaden: it can be a female taking on the role of a male, to dominate another female. or something with Yaoi with the whole Uke Seme role.

Regardless of how weird the tag sounds, the function of it is pretty obvious: people who want to find girls raping guys are not gonna be happy to browse through literally over a thousand male-on-female rapes to find one or two images of what they wanted.

I think femdom covers it well enough though. With a cursory glance, I can't tell the difference between the two tags.

If we are to merge the tags, then rape should be added to all of the reverse_rape images, and then it should be aliased to femdom so that anyone wanting to find female-on-male rape can search femdom rape and find all of the images.

Is it possible for a tag to imply one tag and alias to another, so that any reverse_rape images will be automatically tagged as femdom and rape?

roastbeefy said:
a good half of the posts in the rape tag probably weren't intended as rape.

IMHO tags are about plausible interpretations, not the artist's intent. People who search for rape just wanna see things that look like rape. Everyone else is free to ignore the tag and imagine what they want.

The only reason I see for keeping the "reverse rape" tag is because I've seen the Japanese version of the term ("gyaku rape") in a few doujinshi. The context was pretty much what you'd expect. I assume the tag came from a strict translation of this term....

"Femdom rape" makes more sense to me, since I don't think "reverse rape" is what people looking for such images would first think of.

femdom_rape is definitely a good one.

feel free to keep the reverse_rape tag ^_^;; i brought it up just for it's oddity and broad term.

there are not many pics tagged to reverse_rape which seems to me, that a lot of people were not even aware of it, or used it to find females raping any gender.

I'm not sure what you mean. Members can search up to 2 tags at once, higher levels can search 6. femdom rape will always bring up images with both femdom and rape. No two ways about it, really. Add another tag with a basic account, and yeah, it'll just spit out the warning about multi tag limits. It's supposed to.

Including wild cards can mess up multi tag searches but I don't think that's what you're talking about.

guess it was just me then. ^^

some people don't put the " _ " in the wiki
which causes it to link to another wiki with no pictures. sometimes it will lead to a different wiki entirely, with different pictures.

small example:
bun cover
will link Bun hair, and Cover art

will link to the hair ornament that goes over bun hair.

anyway. back to this thread.
so everything will be aliased?

unicogirl said: some people don't put the " _ " in the wiki
which causes it to link to another wiki with no pictures.

Oh, that's different from tag searches, which is what we were talking about. It seems like there might be an issue with the syntax or something for linking to the wiki.

bun cover and bun_cover (post search links with curly braces) should bring up two separate things, and does.

bun cover and bun_cover (wiki links with square brackets) should both link to the same thing. As you note, they don't... it seems like the former brings up the right wiki page (that of the latter) but performs a search for the separate tags in the sample posts rather than bringing up bun_cover posts.


anyway. back to this thread. so everything will be aliased?

Heh, took me awhile to remember what this thread was even about.

Did we reach a consensus on just using femdom rather than using a tag specifically for females raping males? In that case reverse_rape would alias to femdom.

Or did we want to keep reverse_rape a separate tag, and just have it implicate femdom? I'm still a bit confused.

Nobody seems to be opposed to the change. My suggestion is:

Add rape to all of the reverse_rape images (Or, if possible, implicate reverse_rape to rape)
Alias revere_rape to femdom.

Which brings me to the question I had above, is it possible to implicate/alias a tag to two different tags so that all reverse_rape images will be tagged as femdom and rape?

roastbeefy said: Which brings me to the question I had above, is it possible to implicate/alias a tag to two different tags so that all reverse_rape images will be tagged as femdom and rape?

Mixing aliases and implications? I honestly have no idea. When someone who does know answers, we can decide about how to do the change.

Bumping this. As far as I can tell from the code, aliasing is done before implication, there can only be one alias for any tag, and it has to lead to a single tag.
This could probably be changed if desirable.

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