post #9000000 GET!

reverse rape?

Posted under General

Going over the thread, I can't exactly tell what we decided on. Was it roastbeefy's suggestion? That is, implicate reverse_rape to rape and alias revere_rape to femdom? The issue was that if you alias reverse_rape to femdom, there's no real point in implicating reverse_rape to rape, because there will be no reverse_rape tags for the implication to work from. We'd have to implicate femdom to rape, and I'm not sure femdom always = rape here. Is that wrong?

So it only makes sense to do one or the other, if I'm understanding this right. Which do we want?

Maybe a mass edit and a policy would be sufficient? I don't particularly care what happens to the old tag, it just seemed nonsensical and confusing to me.
If multi-tag aliasing really would be preferable, that could probably be added without much trouble, too. I'm guessing there just hasn't been a use case yet.

I know this is an old thread but there is an issue when searching "Femdom rape". A lot of those images that come up don't involve males at all like yuri.

Another issue is that femdom refers to BDSM situation with a Dominatrix. It even says that on this site's wiki and isn't BDSM consensual since it involves sadomasochism? That's kind of a contradiction.


femdom refers to any situation with a dominant female. That's not what the wiki page is saying right now, but it's how the tag is being used. If no changes in tagging policy are agreed here, I'll edit the wiki to match the de-facto definition.

femdom bdsm refers to BDSM situations with a dominant female. femdom rape refers to female rapists. femdom yuri refers to girl-girl situations with a dominant female. femdom hetero refers to girl-boy situations with a dominant female. And so on and so forth.

Flopsy said:

femdom refers to any situation with a dominant female. That's not what the wiki page is saying right now, but it's how the tag is being used. If no changes in tagging policy are agreed here, I'll edit the wiki to match the de-facto definition.

Except that definition doesn't seem quite correct either given the existence of the assertive tag, which is mentioned in the femdom wiki. *edit* If Femdom covers everything, then that would imo suggest the assertive tag is then redundant. If the assertive tag stays, then the definitions either need to be changed to coexist or edited so that one is the sub of the other.


Flopsy said:

femdom refers to any situation with a dominant female. That's not what the wiki page is saying right now, but it's how the tag is being used. If no changes in tagging policy are agreed here, I'll edit the wiki to match the de-facto definition.

femdom bdsm refers to BDSM situations with a dominant female. femdom rape refers to female rapists. femdom yuri refers to girl-girl situations with a dominant female. femdom hetero refers to girl-boy situations with a dominant female. And so on and so forth.

Except the tag femdom is pretty redundant when it comes to female on female rape. All you have to do is search "yuri rape" or "futa_on_female rape" to found those images.


NWF_Renim said:

Except that definition doesn't seem quite correct either given the existence of the assertive tag, which is mentioned in the femdom wiki. *edit* If Femdom covers everything, then that would imo suggest the assertive tag is then redundant. If the assertive tag stays, then the definitions either need to be changed to coexist or edited so that one is the sub of the other.

As the assertive wiki page says, that tag is for cases that are milder than femdom. Females who are taking the initiative and enthusiastically engaging in sex, but not specifically dominating their partners. Like all semi-subjective tags, assertive has fuzzy borders. Distinguishing between assertive, femdom, happy_sex and just plain sex will never be an exact science. That doesn't mean that the distinction is meaningless.

Man_of_Sin said:

Except the tag femdom is pretty redundant when it comes to female on female rape. All you have to do is search "yuri rape" or "futa_on_female rape" to found those images.

That's because femdom is a superset of yuri rape and doesn't exist only to let people find pictures of girls raping girls. Are you suggesting that posts tagged with puppy shouldn't be tagged dog, or posts tagged revolver not tagged gun?

Flopsy said:

As the assertive wiki page says, that tag is for cases that are milder than femdom. Females who are taking the initiative and enthusiastically engaging in sex, but not specifically dominating their partners. Like all semi-subjective tags, assertive has fuzzy borders. Distinguishing between assertive, femdom, happy_sex and just plain sex will never be an exact science. That doesn't mean that the distinction is meaningless.

The wiki states "where the girl is on top and clearly in control". What is the visual distinction between a sexual situation with a girl in control and from them being dominate?

If femdom does not have the association with bdsm, which from my perspective was the primary difference from assertive, then making femdom "any situation with a dominant female" makes the assertive tag redundant. To be dominate means to control, if all situations where they're in control is femdom, then you don't have a "milder" level to work with to label as assertive.


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