
[BUR] Granblue Fantasy character and race names

Posted under Tags

Please tell me if this isn't the right place to ask about this, but...

There's currently a Granblue character tag for Sutera as such: stella (granblue fantasy)

The katakana for her name romanizes into "suutera", and the official English translations of the game use "Sutera". Stella (probably) wasn't correct to start with since there was a long "uu" sound, and it seems that "sutera" or "sutera_(granblue_fantasy)" do not exist on the site right now.

So basically she's marked under a tag that wouldn't be evident to search for by a person that's just come from the game.

What is the usual procedure for this kind of a situation? (There are a few other characters that need slight updates to their tags to accommodate for the official English names as well.)

Updated by Hillside Moose

You would create an alias for it, or if the original name is obscure enough I think you make a BUR to mass update to the new character tag. The character tag isn't that populated though, so one could just use a tagging script to correct all of them... but it's probably better to talk about it first.

By the way, do you have an official source for the name (like an image asset, screenshot)? That would help.

Sure! Here's a shot of the character's ingame profile page in english:

Here's the same one in Japanese:

Thus, the issue is that the current tag (stella) matches neither the Japanese nor the English.

There's a few other characters with official English names that differ from the current tags as well (Metera is the official version of what's currently tagged as Metella, for instance.)

To make things a bit more complicated, a few of the official English names are very different from the Japanese ones (all of the Juutenshu, for instance, got their names renumbered. Uno -> Anre, Thalatha -> Threo, etc.)


@kozaki.saya You can go ahead and make a list of the corrections that should be made to each name if you're interested. I'm agreeing on this -- why imageboards use alternate spellings is probably because we don't see the official translated name beforehand and go with our best gut about it.

GBFverse is not nearly as complicated as Nasuverse, so this shouldn't be too difficult. We have a character tag group for granblue fantasy too, I believe? Maybe not, haven't looked yet.

Sure. Here's the one's I spotted by going down the links on the granblue_fantasy wiki page (not sure what a character tag group is, apologies!), as well as a few other minor issues:


  • Erun -> Erune
  • Harbin -> Harvin
  • Doraf -> Draph

Supporting Characters:

  • Catalina -> Katalina Aryze (Do we care about their last names? They exist but are usually only mentioned once in the whole game: )
  • Eugene -> Eugen
  • Io -> Io Euclase
  • Vee == Vyrn (Vee is the correct name in JP, Vyrn is the official English version.)


  • Apollonia should be under Dark category.
  • Carren == Carren Estapera (name is correct, but her tag seems to be deleted? Also, she has a last name: )
  • Kumuyu == Camieux
  • Magisa (the wiki page on Danbooru says "Majisa", which is wrong. The tag is correct.)


  • Pengie -> Pengy
  • Socie -> Societte


  • Altheia -> Aletheia (tag doesn't exist at all?)
  • Carmelina should be under the Wind category.
  • Rumredda -> Lamretta
  • Sarasa -> Saraasa (JP) == Thalatha (Arabic for "Three", since all the Juutenshu are named after numbers) == Threo (Official English translation, all the Juutenshu were changed to old anglo-saxon numbering in the English text.) Not sure how these tags ought to be handled.
  • Volemia -> Volenna (tag doesn't exist?)


  • Metella -> Metera
  • Stella -> Sutera


  • Bautaooda == Baotorda
  • Shirou == Nicholas

Light Summons:

  • Chevalier == Luminiera
  • Colow -> Corow
  • The Order Grande == The Grand Order


  • Narumeia == Narmaya
  • Vampy == Vania
  • Xiao -> Shao

That comprises all the names on the Wiki that I can verify myself. There are a few characters I haven't run into the game that I have left off this list.

As far as the Juutenshu goes, they're a bit weird, so I've taken the full-group pic here: as a reference since they're not on danbooru's granblue_fantasy wiki page.

  • Uno == Anre
  • Song == Tweyen
  • Sarasa == Thalatha == Threo
  • Quatre == Feower
  • Funf == Fif
  • Six == Seox (Why, Cygames, why...)
  • Siete == Seofon
  • Okto == Eahta
  • Nio == Niyon
  • Esser == Tien

The left side of this set of 10 is all correct for their official JP names, the right side is their official English name in the game.

EDIT: Forgot the Zodiac characters:

  • Anchira == Andira
  • Makira == Mahira

Not sure why Cygames wants to make them slightly different in the translation, but that's how it is...


Well, if you want to do some tag gardening, you could always go through this and this and see which ones aren't on the page yet, but that's some tedious work.

Maybe there's some list somewhere else, like from an external source you could use.

If you mean sorting by date in the tag listing, you can. As for the wiki edits, those are already listed by date (and typically it's just the Japanese tag).

If you mean automation, editing the character listing is a completely manual process that's really only updated periodically by users themselves.

I went through the search terms you provided, there's a few more tag changes or aliases needed:

  • sleepy == sleepyhead
  • betor -> vetol == Phoebe (Betor is straight up wrong, the JP is ヴェトル == 'vetoru')
  • karuba == Karva
  • elegy -> Ejaeli (elegy is wrong, the katakana romanized is 'ejeri')
  • yggdrasill -> Yggdrasil
  • lyria == Ruria (JP name, for some reason we have the EN name listed but no JP alias or vice versa)
  • saaya == Sarya
  • tania == Tanya
  • drunk == Drang
  • catharine -> Catherine
  • wiseman == Mystic
  • brigette -> Bridgette

I took a look at editing the wiki, but it looks like there's some formatting stuff I need to learn, so I'll put that off for now...


mass update erun -> erune
mass update harbin -> harvin
mass update doraf -> draph
mass update catalina_(granblue_fantasy) -> katalina_aryze_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update eugene_(granblue_fantasy) -> eugen_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update karen_(granblue_fantasy) -> carren_estapera_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias camieux -> kumuyu
create alias sarya_(granblue_fantasy) -> saaya_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update elegy_(granblue_fantasy) -> ejaeli_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update socie_(granblue_fantasy) -> societte_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update rumredda -> lamretta
mass update sarasa_(granblue_fantasy) -> thalatha_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update yggdrasill_(granblue_fantasy) -> yggdrasil_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update metella_(granblue_fantasy) -> metera_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias nicholas_(granblue_fantasy) -> shirou_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias luminiera_(granblue_fantasy) -> chevalier_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias the_grand_order_(granblue_fantasy) -> the_order_grande
create alias zooey_(granblue_fantasy) -> the_order_grande
mass update narmaya_(granblue_fantasy) -> narumeia_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias vania_(granblue_fantasy) -> vampy
mass update vira -> vira_lilie
mass update xiao_(granblue_fantasy) -> shao_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias anre_(granblue_fantasy) -> uno_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias tweyen_(granblue_fantasy) -> song_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias threo_(granblue_fantasy) -> thalatha_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias feower_(granblue_fantasy) -> quatre_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias fif_(granblue_fantasy) -> funf
create alias seox_(granblue_fantasy) -> six_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias seofon_(granblue_fantasy) -> siete
create alias eahta_(granblue_fantasy) -> okto
create alias niyon_(granblue_fantasy) -> nio_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias tien_(granblue_fantasy) -> esser
create alias andira_(granblue_fantasy) -> anchira_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias mahira_(granblue_fantasy) -> makira_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update betor_(granblue_fantasy) -> vetor_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias phoebe_(granblue_fantasy) -> vetor_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update karuba_(granblue_fantasy) -> karva_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias ruria_(granblue_fantasy) -> lyria_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update tania_(granblue_fantasy) -> tanya_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update drunk_(granblue_fantasy) -> drang_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update catharine_(granblue_fantasy) -> catherine_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias mystic_(granblue_fantasy) -> wiseman_(granblue_fantasy)
mass update brigette_(granblue_fantasy) -> bridgette_(granblue_fantasy)
create alias cucouroux_(granblue_fantasy) -> kukuru_(granblue_fantasy)

Link to request

Several of the names don't match the ingame naming scheme (in either Japanese or English), some last names were missing, some had typoes, and some official English names are very different from the Japanese ones (thus the aliases).

I can provide screenshots for most of these from in-game if need be. is a player-run wiki that has character lists with all the English names if someone who wants to verify the spellings does not have the game. is a similar resource for the Japanese names.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1049 (forum #125763) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Hmm, looks pretty good. I haven't checked them, but if they're all correct then it'll be accepted sooner or later. Requests like these usually take quite a while though, since there's bound to be some scrutiny over names.

Griffinhart said:

What's the convention on appending source to character names? E.g. many of the Juutenshu tags on Danbooru have "_(granblue_fantasy)" appended, but several (Funf, Siete, Okto, Esser) don't.

Name collisions are the usual deciding factor. Single names for characters have a higher likelihood for collisions, especially the more common names, whereas unusual names may not. See Howto:Character for more information.

Can you explain why some of those are mass updates rather than aliases? Generally speaking, if the tag exists for a certain time and has over a certain amount of posts, it's usually aliased to prevent confusion for users who bookmarked searches containing it.

I wasn't sure if there was a specific convention for it, but I chose to alias them when there is a commonly accepted romanization of their name (Kumuyu, for instance) and the English name was different (Camiuex for this example.)

Some of the updates (Xiao to Shao, for instance) are because the romanization strictly speaking is Shao (シャオ), and the official EN version name of that character is also Shao. I can only assume that Xiao was a name made up by someone random before the EN localization came out, however, since it neither matches the actual JP romanization, nor does it match the actual EN name, it seems like it would be prudent to abandon a name that's basically only used on Danbooru and not used anywhere in the game's actual community. This one's pretty understandable, though. However...

If I were to put it a bit more crudely, it seems like a few of the other names had some very unnecessary, and sometimes wrong, localization done on them pre-english release. Elegy (エジェリー = Ejeri, officially Ejaeli) and Betor (ヴェトル = Vetor/Vetol, officially Phoebe), for instance, are very unambiguously wrong.

Many of these forms of the names *only* exist on Danbooru, so it seems like it'd make a lot more sense just to correct them once now and have it match every other resource on the game.

With that said, it's probably not terrible if some of the older inaccurate names were preserved, as long as the tags on the actual pictures show either the proper JP or proper EN names (I'm not sure how the site software handles this).

I think there's a limited number (Sarasa == Thalatha) for instance that could be preserved as an alias... hrm. The JP romanization strictly is Saraasa, but as that set of characters are named after numbers, and Thalatha seems to be the acceptable romanization of the Arabic "three", it seems that they were going for the "th" sound rather than "s" in that case. I'll amend that one to be an alias.

This should be less of an issue moving forward, since new characters are released with their stuff already translated in the game nowadays, so it's mostly an issue for characters that existed prior to the official localization (which started partway through 2016).

If there are specific names in question, I would be happy to try to get ingame screenshots, or give direct links to the JP or EN wikis if you'd like to inspect the original names.


I think it would help to add some clarification @kozaki.saya

As of the moment, I'm for all JP edits. I'll be working through revising the BUR a bit

EDIT: Talking with some friends that actually play the game, this might have been a more confusing ordeal than I thought. Will hold off until more is said.

EDIT 2: Made up my mind.


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