reese said:
Razia/Rastina didn't get a character profile in the latest Character Character archive so I can't verify the name.
I would be in favour of an alias. She does have over 100 posts and her initial spelling was Pengie (Character Volume 2) and now it's Pengy (Character Volume 3) which matches up with the EN version (for what that's worth).
I'm going to throw one more name into the mix. Character Archive Volume 2 uses Rilulu. Keep in mind Volume 2 was published in 2016 so the name may have changed since then. No preference.
Character volume 3 uses Andira and Mahira. I'm in favour of reversing the alias.
I think the problem with the character volumes is that they use the EN names for the big titles (with the JP names as a subtitle), while the game (which, IMO, should be the most authoritative source) splits the JP and EN names. It's also probably best to treat the game as authoritative, otherwise Therese will still be called "Teluse"...
For instance, if I switch my game to JP, I get Makira:
If I swap it to EN, I have Mahira:
Thus, if we're doing JP names with EN aliases, it should probably be Mahira -> Makira.
Note that the character volume page ( has "Makira" in Japanese on it, overlaid over the "Mahira" english text.
EDIT: Switched Pengy to an alias, because Cygames is weird. Also switch Andira, but hrm.
Laethiel said:
I'm not deeply involved in tagging or back-end stuff like aliases, but as mentioned in the quote from Type-kun above, the idea is that these established tags could be in saved searches, bookmarks, etc. So if someone has a saved search including catalina_(granblue_fantasy) or vira and we just update instead of alias, that saved search will no longer find posts with those tags. Also, if we update instead of alias, people used to the old tags can keep tagging new posts with them, and tag gardeners would have to clean them up until everyone got used to the new ones.
Tagging @Type-kun for a more expert opinion.
EDIT: I agree with reese on aliasing anchira_(granblue_fantasy) -> andira_(granblue_fantasy) rather than vice-versa, based on
As I said above, I'm fine with the Mahira/Makira alias going either direction, as it's based on one of the Twelve Heavenly Generals' names, but isn't directly one of the names like Andira.
I guess that kinda makes sense. Is there a penalty for having a lot of deprecated aliases, a few of which are danbooru-specific, and some are actually wrong, even compared to JP (Ejaeli, for instance. There's no way the JP spelling turns into "Elegy": )? If not, leaving them in is no problem, but it just feels so... cluttery. If it does have a cost though, maybe it's better to tell them that their tag is outdated/wrong, somehow, if that's possible?