
Ratings check thread

Posted under General

Elfaleon said:

It was borderline enough for me to knee-jerk it from Safe to Questionable. I might the only one who feels that way though. Tough call.

Oh, I didn't see you had already changed the rating before I did. Just to clarify I also meant to rate it questionable before asking here, so I guess you are not alone in your opinion.

Myrokratios said:

It was rated as Safe, which is of course wrong, but now I'm unsure if it's Explicit or Questionable, because the censor bars are just big enough to hide the "holes"

It's a tossup. I would personally go with explicit.

Kyuzeth said:

I don't think this warrants a Questionable rating. Sure, her breasts are exposed to a decent degree, but her nipples remain completely covered and there's no other exposition. Looks safe to me.

This is a rather old post, but Saladofstones tends to be very conservative with ratings. He/she also tags too much cleavage (barring the presence of micro-something) or under/sideboobs as questionable as well. I usually go through his ratings changes every few months and do some ratings gardening gardening.

Kyuzeth said:
The steamy action and suggestive white fluids warrant a Questionable rating, as I see it. Could be wrong, of course, so I thought I'd ask for input.
While I'm at it, I'm not sure if this warrants a Questionable rating. There are no nude bits, nor are there any suggestive outlines such as cameltoe.

Not sure about the first one. The stuff dripping from the ceiling looks more gross than suggestive to me. The second one definitely seems Danbooru-safe (which is not work-safe). I see nothing objectionable as mentioned in the Rating Guidelines.

Btw, please write links to posts like so: post #2175320 and post #1421050. The site adds the links automatically.

kittey said:

Not sure about the first one. The stuff dripping from the ceiling looks more gross than suggestive to me. The second one definitely seems Danbooru-safe (which is not work-safe). I see nothing objectionable as mentioned in the Rating Guidelines.

Btw, please write links to posts like so: post #2175320 and post #1421050. The site adds the links automatically.

Ah, I didn't know how to tag the posts as such. Thank you for both the input and information!

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