
Ratings check thread

Posted under General

In that case, what is this item in howto:rate about?

  • Rating:Questionable
    • Actual intercourse, if portrayed in a restrained and tasteful manner (this can be tricky and is necessarily a judgement call, but if it concentrates on the act and omits anatomical details, it's likely okay)

Does that only apply to people who are getting it on fully clothed? I thought that one of the key points of howto:rate was that the degree of explicitness isn't directly proportional to the degree of nudity.

I'd say it's Safe and not even a border case. (Although it might qualify for the new "Risque" rating, if that happens.) We're not seeing any more boob than if she'd been wearing a typical bikini, she doesn't look aroused/naughty and her breasts are not the focus of the image.

Let me reiterate my standpoint from topic #12067: Despite its name, the Safe rating is not about a post being "safe" for anything. What it does mean is simply that eroticism, gentle or blunt, isn't the post's primary theme. To "err on the side of qaution" (or caution) is to miss the point.

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