Do we have a thread for people who are abusing the flagging system? I checked the first few pages of Vandalism under forums and found nothing. Found this little gem flagged post #2482492
This is the vandalism thread, not the "complain about flags I don't like" thread. Virtually nothing in this thread is actually vandalism. Vandalism is when someone flags something with malicious intent, such as because they don't like the uploader or because they got banned and are trying to troll. Vandalism is not when someone doesn't understand the site rules, doesn't understand what the flagging system is for, doesn't give a good reason, or gives a reason you disagree with, or has different quality standards than you do.
It's normal and expected that not all flags will be valid. Around 25%-30% of flags end up getting rejected. This is not vandalism, this is the system working as intended. People flag things and approvers judge whether or not the flags are valid. If you're an approver and you see a flag you disagree with, you don't need to report it here. Just reapprove the post. If you're not an approver, you don't need to run here every time you see a flag you disagree with. Let the approvers handle it. They're just as capable of judging whether or not a flag is valid as you are. If it actually ends up getting deleted, you can appeal it then. There's no point in complaining about something before it even gets deleted.
Updated by RaisingK