
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

Meh, pokemon personification are often very vague.
Yes, we have here a character that appears in the game but for all personification of pokemon they (the pokemon) turned into something humanoid or the character has clothes that matches the pokemon's appearance.
But I can get along with objectification as well but's it's a border case or something like that.
So I think personification counts when the pokemon is turned into an original character.

But cosplay is indeed the best solution

Updated by DanbooruBot

Typo is a simple misspelling whereas ranguage extends to misuse of grammar itself (misconjugated verbs, poor or very strange sentence structure, etc.).

I see enough typos made by native speakers of english that I really don't like tagging ranguage for typos, unless said typos are consistently made.

Updated by DanbooruBot

post #237268
post #2266947
post #2266953

Are there any tags that would cover an... outfit like this?

It's not really a suit and I wouldn't call it armor since it's just a bunch of mismatched pieces, but they're part of a contained set. In-show they're basically medical equipment, treated like electrodes to hook the characters up to machinery and such with all those cables. I can't think of anything similar in other fiction though, or any other patchwork barely-there outfits like that.

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