Components: Bangs, Dress, Pink witch hat, Hairband, Ribbon(on head) and Right eye:Cure Miracle Glove, Boots, Black witch hat, Hair(except bangs) and Left eye:Cure Magical
It's not a game screenshot, and the part that wasn't made by bocchidaily makes up way too much of the image for it to be just background. It's a game cg that was traced over. It's plagiarism. And you should probably tag the original artist.
It's not a game screenshot, and the part that wasn't made by bocchidaily makes up way too much of the image for it to be just background. It's a game cg that was traced over. It's plagiarism. And you should probably tag the original artist.
This asset is unavailable.
I assume you meant to link asset #22211393 (you appear to have copied the upload ID, which is different).
And this is not a third-party edit, nor plagiarism, it's just a parody with the game CG as a base, but the artist's character inserted into it with the same style. That's transformative and hardly something unique to this post.
:BlobDerp:i wander if i can changing my adorable art to a rubbish bin?:BlobUnsure:
Qeemo said: is this 5 year old art from your kid?
no have adorable little one to make art for me~*:HinaUoh:
RiderFan said: Still better artwork than quite a few banned self-uploaders.
FRien said: "But other do worse" is hardly an excuse. If your friends jumped off a bridge, would it make it okay for you to jump from the third story of your housing?
"But other do worse" is hardly an excuse. If your friends jumped off a bridge, would it make it okay for you to jump from the third story of your housing?