Rarity: *2 Memoria Type: Active Ability: Magia Damage UP [V] on Self for 1 turn (cooldown 15 turns) Max Limit Break Ability: Magia Damage UP [VI] on Self for 1 turn (cooldown 13 turns) Description (JP): 日差しは暖かいけど、感じる温度は少し寒いこういう時ほど、熱いお茶が体に染みるということで、お気に入りのカップでティータイムを料理はあまり得意じゃない私でもお茶くらいは...うん…ね? Description (ENG): The sunshine is warm, but the air still has a bite to it. Nothing warms you up during times like these like a hot cup of tea. So let's pull out our favorite cups and have a tea break. I might not be good at cooking, but I can make tea at least...right?
Also, this post is kinda an md5 match for the copy I was going to one up this with, meaning it's the proper game cg. Which is annoying, considering this copy is deleted, and I don't think it was due to the quality...
Penguin: "You have the Permission from the Birdkeepers of the Tropical Area for doing this with the Flamingos, right?" Penguin Keeper: "What Permission?" Flamingos: "The water here is too ducking cold for us!"
IIrc, in canon, Ellen at least keeps a comfortable average on her schoolwork: she doesn't study hard but passes enough to not get additional schoolwork.