


zolotovas2004 said:

Welp. If I did my posts right, I shall continue sending more of my drawings here from now on.

Rn I saw some post with a guy saying that this site doesn't focus on self upload, so this may be the answer for what I was thinking yesterday. Now I'm waiting for the deleting of my posts.

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    zolotovas2004 said:

    Rn I saw some post with a guy saying that this site doesn't focus on self upload, so this may be the answer for what I was thinking yesterday. Now I'm waiting for the deleting of my posts.

    It's more about the quality of the images than who uploaded them. We used to discourage self-uploads because many artists overestimate how good their work is, but now we just treat them like any other upload. Ultimately, we don't care who uploaded it as long as the quality is good.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't seem likely that your posts will be approved.

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    rafaelGAMAuno said:

    why is he getting down voted

    Because power level debatesโ€”along with shipping debatesโ€”are the dumbest thing to come out of fandom. Danbooru users in general have historically had zero patience for that sort of nonsense. Save it for the RP forums.

    (Also, that comment's score is only at -1. Hardly anything to get upset about.)

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