


Transcript (YouTube has subtitles):

Okayu: So, to get through this third day, I'll teach Mio how to stop her hiccups.
Mio: Eh! Really?
Okayu: First, Mio, you have to follow everything I say. Got it?
Mio: Yes... got it. hic
Okayu: Alright, first... um... close your eyes!
Mio: Okay!
Okayu: Next is...
Korone: Something’s happening...
Okayu: Now take a deep breath, fill your belly with air!
Mio and Fubuki: takes a deep breath
Okayu: Okay, stop!
Okayu: ...And Koro-san! Say something funny!
Mio: laughs
Korone: Eh?
Okayu: Wait, no! Mio, you must keep holding your breath!
Mio: Hold on... hold on! I’ll try one more time...!
Mio: Here I go~!
Mio and Fubuki: takes a deep breath
Okayu: Alright, Koro-san! Do it!
Mio: laughs
Okayu: Uh... wait a sec...
Everyone: laughs
Fubuki: Hey, that was too quick!
Okayu: You must hold on here...
Fubuki: You can do it, Mio!
Okayu: You can do it, Mio!
Fubuki: Don’t breathe out!
Mio: I can’t hold it... I’ll try harder one more time, then.
Okayu: Alright, let's do this! Take a really REALLY big breath!
Mio and Fubuki: takes a deep breath
Okayu: Alright, Koro-san! Do it!
Mio: laughs
Korone: Why?!
Everyone: laughs
Okayu: We haven’t even done anything yet...
Fubuki: With just a single word...
Korone: But maybe it stopped this time?
Okayu: Did it stop? Since it’s a diaphragm spasm... I wonder if it worked...
Korone: I think it stopped...
Mio: Maybe it did stop...
Fubuki: It stopped!
Okayu: Oh, great!

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    wj8 said:

    How old you were when you realized Big Smoke was ordering for the entire gang?

    Jokes on you, everyone pretty much pick their order but this guy went for ultra servings. Although there is a more spoiler-ish reason for it too.

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    I'm not putting the link to the original post where the post was since the original post was deleted by the user both on his Deviantart account and on Tumbler and it's not on his Twitter account or at least I didn't find it there.

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    EnriqueZX said:

    I'm not putting the link to the original post where the post was since the original post was deleted by the user both on his Deviantart account and on Tumbler and it's not on his Twitter account or at least I didn't find it there.

    That's not how we handle sources. If you legitimately don't know where exactly this came from and can't find it, then that's fine. But if you do know, then you should include it, even if the link is dead.

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    blindVigil said:

    That's not how we handle sources. If you legitimately don't know where exactly this came from and can't find it, then that's fine. But if you do know, then you should include it, even if the link is dead.

    it's that I'm not joking I don't know what was on daviart or tumbler since they are the social networks where this type of things are published the most and as I mentioned I also looked on his twitter account and I didn't find it there either and I tried hard to find the original source and I didn't find it so I don't understand what you want me to do yes I already explained that I couldn't find anything and it wasn't because I was lazy but because you should I didn't find the original source where this fanart was I found this fanart on zeochan and there the name of the original artist was written and I searched on both social networks both in his tumbler account which no longer exists and in his deviantart account which is not there either and as I told you I also searched on his twitter account but I didn't find it there either I only saw it on another user's account but it is not the account of the original user of this fanart so I didn't put that source so as not to make a mistake and get into trouble

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    EnriqueZX said:

    I told you I also searched on his twitter account but I didn't find it there either I only saw it on another user's account but it is not the account of the original user of this fanart so I didn't put that source so as not to make a mistake and get into trouble

    In cases like this, the URL you got the image from should be put in the source field and the image should be tagged with third-party source. It's acceptable to upload from a third-party source if you can't find the original source. It's better than nothing.

    Also, please use punctuation in your comments. Your run-on sentences are hard to read.

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