post #9000000 GET!



NormiesXplode said:

Female Hyenas have penis like appendage which they use to pee and give birth to their young, which has a high chance of the females and the child of dying.

Y'know starting to think that the birth scene in baldur gate 3 is only slightly less horrible than reality, at least the child lives in that one.
Still bad enough that I closed the game and never spoke to animals for a few days after that.

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    djseifer said:

    I'm not sure who the Koakuma-like character next to Alice is, nor the fairy-like character at the top of the image. Any assistance tagging them would be appreciated.

    Just another lesser devil from the Makai from which I believe Patouli's Koakuma was also summoned from. There could be millions of them each with special traits of their own, same way that Kappa Mob works.

    Patchouli said:

    This is my "Koakuma". There are many like her, but this one is mine!

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    user_509926 said:

    Just another lesser devil from the Makai from which I believe Patouli's Koakuma was also summoned from. There could be millions of them each with special traits of their own, same way that Kappa Mob works.

    They’ve been dubbed “Senkou” (pink haired one) and “Mika” (blonde haired one) by the fans

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