A retelling of the original anime series that aired in the mid 90's. It features new footage, animation, 3D cg, and a new female character named Makinami Mari Illustrious. It also changes Souryuu Asuka Langley's name to Shikinami Asuka Langley.
Hideaki Anno served as the writer and general manager of the project, with Kazuya Tsurumaki, Masayuki, Mahiro Maeda and Katsuichi Nakayama directing the films themselves. Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, Ikuto Yamashita and Shirō Sagisu returned to provide character designs, mechanical designs and music respectively.
This tag implicates neon_genesis_evangelion (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: evangelion:_1.0_you_are_(not)_alone, evangelion:_2.0_you_can_(not)_advance, evangelion:_3.0+1.0_thrice_upon_a_time, and evangelion:_3.0_you_can_(not)_redo (learn more).