mike haggar
Mike Haggar is a character in the Final Fight series produced by Capcom. Though never making an official appearance as a playable character in a Street Fighter title, he still plays a role in the back-stories of Cody Travers and Guy as well as being a major enemy to the Mad Gear Gang. Zangief's moves were based off of his.
He is described as a former "Street Fighter" turned Mayor who has sworn to diminish Metro City's ever-increasing crime rate after winning the election. The Mad Gear Gang attempts to manipulate the newly-elected Haggar by kidnapping his young daughter, Jessica. Instead of submitting to the gang's demands, Haggar enlists the help of Jessica's boyfriend, Cody and his friend Guy, to combat the gang and defeat their leader, Belger.
In his ending in Marvel vs. Capcom 3, after defeating Galactus his political career takes off. He is eventually elected President of the United States of America and is even supported by Captain America.
Fans in the west usually refer to him as "The Mayor of Earth".
Haggar also appears as a playable character in the Saturday Night Slam Masters wrestling game series from Capcom (as Mike "Macho" Haggar).