Semi-automatic handgun
拳銃 ハンドガン ピストル オートマチックピストル マシンピストル pistol
A short-barrelled firearm designed to be used with one hand or two hands and for shooting at short-ranged targets, while be more concealable to be holstered than a rifle or a submachine gun. Its ammunition feeding mechanism may vary by design, such as muzzle-loading earlier handguns, break action, by using clips or more commonly magazines.
Handgun types include modern semi-automatic pistols, revolvers, antique firearms such as flintlocks and derringers. This tag also covers the "machine pistol", a handgun capable of fully automatic fire (e.g. Beretta 93R).
The term "pistol" refers to handguns with a single, stationary (non-revolving) chamber. In Danbooru, the "pistol" tag redirects to the "handgun" tag.
For the hand gesture imitating a gun, use finger gun instead.
See also
External links
The following tags are aliased to this tag: hand_gun and pistol (learn more).
This tag implicates gun (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: beretta_92, beretta_93r, beretta_px4, borchardt_c-93, browning_hi-power, colt_double_eagle, colt_woodsman, cz_75, daewoo_k5, defense_distributed_liberator, derringer, desert_eagle, fn_five-seven, fn_model_1903, fn_model_1910, fp-45_liberator, glock, h&k_mark_23, h&k_p30, h&k_usp, h&k_vp70, h&k_vp9, hs2000, iwi_jericho_941, luger_p08, m1911, m6, makarov_pm, mauser_c96, mauser_hsc, mp-443_grach, nambu_type_14, qsz-92, ruger_p95, serdyukov_sps, sig_p210, sig_p220/p226, sig_p228/p229, sig_pro, sig_sauer_p230, sig_sauer_p320, thompson/center_contender, tokarev_tt-33, walther_p38, walther_p5, walther_p99, walther_ppk, and welrod (learn more).