Titular co-protagonist of Isekai Yuusha, a Yuusha series-inspired original Twitter-hosted web series by Ishiyumi.
A humanoid super robot mecha with a human-looking face, with similar design aesthetics as protagonist super robots from the Yuusha series (and Transformers, as the Yuusha series were initially based on G1 Takara Transformers designs). Can transform into a car mode.
The "XE" is pronounced as one word, approximately "Gzee" (/ɡziː/). This "XE" is ultimately derived from Japanese "Ten'i" (Displaced); see the artist commentary notes on post #3797310 where the artist explains the derivation of his name.
His actual name is technically just "Shine", with XE-Shine being the name of his powered-up self. XE has been added to the tag to better disambiguate his name.
Robot partner of Brave Princess.