yuusha series
A franchise of eight mecha anime series and one unreleased series that began in 1990 and ended in 1997. These series were all animated by Sunrise. Although these series aren't directly connected, they all share similar mechanical designs.
The last of the series, Yuusha Seisen Baan Gaan made its debut in Brave Saga 2 for Playstation.
- Yuusha Exkaiser
- Taiyou no Yuusha Fighbird
- Densetsu no Yuusha Da-Garn
- Yuusha Tokkyuu Might Gaine
- Yuusha Keisatsu J-Decker
- Ougon Yuusha Goldran
- Yuusha Shirei Dagwon
- Yuusha Ou GaoGaiGar
- Yuusha Seisen Baan Gaan
- Yuusha Uchuu Sworgrader
External links
The following tags are aliased to this tag: brave_series (learn more).
The following tags implicate this tag: densetsu_no_yuusha_da-garn, ougon_yuusha_goldran, taiyou_no_yuusha_fighbird, yuusha_exkaiser, yuusha_keisatsu_j-decker, yuusha_ou_gaogaigar, yuusha_ou_gaogaigar_final, yuusha_shirei_dagwon, and yuusha_tokkyuu_might_gaine (learn more).