Artist. Formerly tagged as shimesaba or rushka.
Japanese names: わたり (Watari) or "rina" (りな)
Old name: 蓮見 りな (Hasumi Rina)
Pixiv image server name: "img41"
See also
- Pixiv account: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1332700
- Tinami account: http://www.tinami.com/creator/profile/9184
- Fotologue images: http://fotologue.jp/rina29/
- Twitpic account (stopped): http://twitpic.com/photos/rina_29
- Lyu_(rina0129) - A missing artist who had the same pixiv userID (rina0129, image server: "img07"). Not sure they're the same person.