A transformable mecha from the Macross universe. It first appeared in promotional material for the Macross Plus OVA from 1994 and has since been included as part of the franchise, appearing in several different publications and toy lines of the Macross saga during the years.
The Northrom Grumman VA-3 Invader is a Variable Attacker (VA) airframe mass produced for the UN Forces for ground suppression with the special characteristics of both a Variable Fighter (VF) and a Destroid mecha.
The VA-3 was designed by Kawamori Shouji in the 90s for the Macross Plus series, but was not used in the OVA and thus never animated. The Invader first appeared on pages 72-73 of the promotional book This Is Animation Special: Macross Plus from 1995. Its variants, the VA-3C Custom (VA-3C Kai) appeared in OVA series Macross Dynamite 7 and the VA-3M appeared in Macross VF-X2.