mecha pilot suit
A bodysuit worn by pilots of mecha, or a bodysuit associated with science fiction in general.
They typically have thicker material than a leotard, one or more adornments or structures, parts/patches, and associated colors, lights, etc. Arm and leg covers may be anywhere from none to full.
This tag is for the fictional mecha pilot bodysuit, for the real life jumpsuit worn by pilots, uses flight suit instead.
Related tags
- deva battle suit
- drivesuit
- fortified suit
- mall link suit
- mobile trace suit
- motion slit
- normal suit
- parasite suit
- plugsuit
- synergetic suit
See also
The following tags implicate this tag: deva_battle_suit, drivesuit_(pacific_rim), fortified_suit, mall_link_suit, mobile_trace_suit, motion_slit, normal_suit_(gundam), parasite_suit_(darling_in_the_franxx), plugsuit_(evangelion), and synergetic_suit (learn more).