A Power Rangers character, best known as the original Mighty Morphin Green & White Ranger in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers (additionally serving as the Mighty Morphin-unique White Ninja Ranger). He would go on to be the longest-serving Power Ranger in the entire franchise, serving as Zeo Ranger V Red in Power Rangers Zeo, the original Red Turbo Ranger in Power Rangers Turbo, and the Black Dino Ranger in Power Rangers Dino Thunder, as well as returning in one of these suits in Power Rangers Wild Force, Power Rangers S.P.D., Power Rangers Super Megaforce, and Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. He was played by the late Jason David Frank.
An alternate version of Tommy would appear in the Boom! Studios comics, where he acts as Lord Drakkon, serving as the primary antagonist in the Shattered Grid event (and its adaptation in Power Rangers: Battle For The Grid).