The Sons of Horus is the XVIth Legion of Space Marines in Warhammer 40k, was originally known as the Luna Wolves. In honour of their Primarch Horus' great achievements during Great Crusade, after the Ullanor triumph his father, the Emperor of Mankind suggested that the Legion be renamed the "Sons of Horus" and the Primarch, at his brother Sanguinius' urging, did it some time later.
Shortly after the Legion's renaming, Horus was corrupted by the Chaos Gods and started a rebellion against his father known as the Horus Heresy. At the start of the Heresy, one third of the loyal to the Imperium Sons of Horus were killed during the lstvaan III massacre, the remainder supported the Primarch in his war against the Emperor, and become the Chaos_Space_Marines
After their defeat at the Battle of Terra, the Sons of Horus escaped with the other Traitor Legions into the Eye of Terror, where they fell apart to many warbands until the Legion's First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon united most of them into the Black Legion.
The Sons of Horus wore green or black power armor, spiked helmets and their Primarch's eye symbol.