Saturday Night Slam Masters, originally known as Muscle Bomber in Japan, is a series of fighting and wrestling video games created by Capcom in the 1990s. The first title was released in 1993.
The games are notable because they feature character designs by Hara Tetsuo and because a popular character from the Final Fight game series appears as a playable wrestler (Mike "Macho" Haggar).
Some characters from the series
- Mike Haggar
- The Scorpion (Slam Masters)
- Aleksey Zalazof
- Lucky Colt
- Mysterious Budo
- Sheep The Royal
- Missing IQ Gomes
- El Stingray
- Victor Ortega
- Black Widow (Slam Masters)
Games in the series
- Saturday Night Slam Masters
- Muscle Bomber Duo: Ultimate Team Battle
- Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II