Pocket Pikachu, known as Pokémon Pikachu outside of Japan, "is a step counter and virtual pet toy in which the player looks after a virtual pet Pikachu... The unit is strapped onto a belt and used as a pedometer. Every 20 steps the unit registers give the user 1 watt, which is a currency that can be used to gamble or buy Pikachu presents." [1]
The original unit launched in Japan on March 27, 1998 and in North America on November 2, 1998. It is a small yellow handheld with a black-and-white LCD, D-pad, and 4 buttons.
A later version, "Pocket Pikachu Color: With Gold & Silver!", known as Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS in North America and Pokémon Pikachu Color in Europe, was released in Japan on November 21, 1999 and in North America on October 16, 2000. [2]
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