Personification of the terrorist organisation ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria).
She was made at ”ISISを萌え美少女化してイスラムの奴らに送りつけようずwwwwww” (Let's make a moe personification of ISIS and send her to Muslim guys. LOLLOLLOLLOL) threads of 2channel's "News for VIP" Board. The first project/thread started on January 24, 2015.
After ISIS kidnapped and killed a Japanese journalist in 2014 and various brutal images of ISIS victims spread on Google Japan, Japanese artists started to draw gags and images of ISIS-chan in order to flood Google Images search results of ISIS in Japan. However, several rules for drawing ISIS-chan were created to prevent controversy in the future.
Rules and Guidelines about creating ISIS-chan content.
1. Content must not be sexually suggestive and/or explicit.
2. Content must not contain violence.
3. Content must not contain racism.
Name: ISIS-chan
Pronunciation of the name: Aishisu-chan (アイシスちゃん)
Costume: Black (like ISIS’s uniforms)
Hairstyle: Short
Hair color: Black (but most Japanese artists draw her with green hair)
Age: 19
Color of skin: Brown
Breasts: Large
Height: short (about 150cm, 4'10")
Eye color: Greenish
Favorite food: Muskmelons