Personification of the terrorist organisation ad-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah fī 'l-ʿIrāq wa-sh-Shām (الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام), commonly translated from Arabic as ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) or ISIL (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). Also know as simply IS (Islamic State), or alternatively referred to as Da'ish or Daesh, an acronym of their name in Arabic (the acronym "DAESH" sounds similar to the Arabic words دائس (Daes) and داهس (dahes), both describing someone who "tramples" upon others i.e. an oppressor).
She was made at ”ISISを萌え美少女化してイスラムの奴らに送りつけようずwwwwww” (Let's make a moe personification of ISIS and send her to Muslim guys. LOLLOLLOLLOL) threads of 2channel's "News for VIP" Board. The first project/thread started on January 24, 2015.
The VIPPERs used "安価 (anka)" to make her profile:
Name: ISIS-chan
Pronunciation of the name: Aishisu-chan (アイシスちゃん)
Costume: Black (like ISIS’s uniforms)
Hairstyle: Short
Hair color: Black (but most Japanese artists draw her with green hair)
Age: 19
Color of skin: Brown
Breasts: Large
Height: short (about 150cm, 4'10")
Eye color: Greenish
Favorite food: Muskmelons
After ISIS kidnapped and killed a Japanese journalist in 2014 and various brutal images of ISIS victims spread on Google Japan, Japanese artists started to draw gags and images of ISIS-chan in order to flood Google Images search results of ISIS in Japan. However, several rules for drawing ISIS-chan were created to prevent controversy in the future.
Rules and Guidelines about creating ISIS-chan content.
1. Content must not be sexually suggestive and/or explicit.
2. Content must not contain violence.
3. Content must not contain racism.