A garment worn on the head characterized by a brim. However, posts with this tag refer to headwear in general and is not restricted to those with brim or those without.
With visor
With brim
See also
The following tags implicate this tag: ajirogasa, animal_hat, aqua_hat, backwards_hat, baseball_cap, beanie, beret, bicorne, black_hat, blue_hat, bowl_hat, bowler_hat, brown_hat, bucket_hat, cabbie_hat, cavalier_hat, chef_hat, cloche_hat, cowboy_hat, deerstalker, deviruchi_hat, fedora, flat_cap, frilled_hat, fur_hat, gakuseibou, garrison_cap, gat_(hat), green_hat, grey_hat, hat_bow, hat_flower, hat_ribbon, hat_with_ears, holding_hat, jester_cap, jingasa, military_hat, mini_hat, mitre, mob_cap, mortarboard, multicolored_hat, nightcap, nurse_cap, orange_hat, party_hat, peaked_cap, penguin_hat, pink_hat, pirate_hat, plaid_hat, police_hat, porkpie_hat, purple_hat, qingdai_guanmao, red_hat, rice_hat, sailor_hat, santa_hat, school_hat, shako_cap, sombrero, squid_hat, straw_hat, sun_hat, tam_o'_shanter, tate_eboshi, tokin_hat, top_hat, torn_hat, tricorne, two-tone_hat, unworn_hat, white_hat, witch_hat, wizard_hat, and yellow_hat (learn more).