Main character of Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi, the "kouhai" of the story.
A girl being short by stature and temper. Works as a clerk at office. While she's easy to set off, Futaba has her cute and kind side which are being covered by her thick "tsundere hide", especially towards her senior, Takeda Harumi. Due to her appearance, she's often being confused as a middle-school student or someone's daughter. Skilled at cooking, particularly around home-style meals.
Appearance: While other characters have normal proportions, she has rather "chibi" vibes - short stature, rounded wide face, shoulder wide head. Medium length hair tied in ponytail and chin-long sidelocks. Hair and iris colored in sage green shade. Often seen with a fang and getting out her sharp teeth when annoyed. Futaba may be a girl of petite body but her claws are sharp and able to deliver quite a painful beating.
Associated color: sage green
Associated animal: cat
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