takeda harumi
Main character of Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi, the "Senpai" of the story.
A big guy with a big mouth and a big heart. A man with an imposing physique - while he is no taller than one head, he is almost double as wide as any average character and possesses physical strength matching his body. He is brutally honest, speaking his thoughts and opinion aloud and in anyone's face. Harumi is a strong extrovert, often seeking a company to hang out, never being shy around people, and has a loud laugh. He takes great care towards his junior, Igarashi Futaba, and has a "tidal lock" sync with her, meaning he has a high chance to encounter her in random places.
While he is very sociable, he is oblivious to current social standards and trends. He often get punched by Futaba for his brutal honesty or saying too much. It's just his head is that thick.
Associated color: 'Pomp and power' purple
Associated animal: bear
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