Artist's commentary
Route 1. Nazu's the one for me now...
Shou-san brought her face closer, but I pushed her away.
"Ah!" she said with surprise, and then turned pale.
'I'm sorry. I can't return your feelings.'
Her face screwed up in pain and she began to cry.
"Wh-Why? How...?" she said, clinging to my chest and weeping.
'Because my heart has turned towards Nazu.'
Shou-san cried out wordlessly.
'It's true. I'm with Nazu every day. Making love comes to us naturally, and anything that could pull us apart has already been exposed and accepted. I couldn't spend a day without her.'
"You can only say that because you don't know the real Nazu! She knew I loved you, but pretended differently so she could have you for herself. She hid it from me! Despite me loving you from the very beginning, that lying liar lied to you! She does such horrible things..."
Shou-san's crying deepened into gasping sobs. She must have had an argument with Nazu somewhere that I didn't know about. But it wasn't enough.
'... Shou-san, whatever Nazu did, my feelings aren't going to change. I won't let you come between us.'
She cried and fell on top of me.
"Hold me," she said, hanging on to the edge of my shirt, "Even if it doesn't make sense. I just want to lie down next to you. I'll be happy with just that..." she begged.
I pulled her away from me.
I stood up to leave.
'I'm sorry, I don't love you. Now that I know my own feelings for Nazu, I want her to know them too. I've hurt you, Shou-san, without realizing it, because my feelings for you and Nazu weren't clear. I may have hurt Nazu, too... even though I don't know how she feels. That's why I want to explain things.'
It took all my courage to confess that to Shou-san, but I wanted to be honest.
"Do-Don't leave me. I, I, I'm finally with you..."
I left the room and slid the screen shut. I could still hear crying from inside. But as soon as I turned around, there was Nazu, her face covered in tears.