Artist's commentary
cmsn.02 - Twilight and Fluttershy
MykeGreywolf wife, Jackiekie crafts awesome MLP plushies and takes orders to make them, so you totally should check her dA page!
And you can check about my commission service here
Commish for MykeGreywolf . He asked me to draw humanized versions of Fluttershy and Twilight from the My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic show. And he wanted that Twilight would try to convince Fluttershy to be more assertive.
Seems like Twilight read that gangsters are pretty assertive (no doubts there xD) so she tried dressing Fluttershy like one. She doesn't seem to think that this is the best way to adress the issue, though. xD
Fluttershy and Twilight, My Little Pony - Friendship is Magic @Hasbro