Artist's commentary
No-Return Land-Based Attack Aircraft Squadron
“Officer! Look at this. It’s beautiful!"
(Literally, assistant division officer.)
Commentary from niconico Seiga:
The squadron of G4M bombers were headed for a night bombing of the American military airfield at Guadalcanal. It seems quite sad when thinking about the fate they met there.
Commentary from the pixiv:
I read 'Wings in Flames; Desperate Struggle by Rabaul Chuukou Air Corps' by Sekine Seiji.
A particularly interesting part of this book is the story of the time the author experienced his first emergency landing.
The airplane made the emergency landing with a bone-shaking impact! His comrades made a quick escape. Only the author wasn't able to leave as his body had become stuck and he was left inside the aircraft. Who knew when the airplane could explode! The author was getting nervous, and without thinking about it started shouting, "Help! Save me!" However, he thought, "'Save me' isn't a phrase that a military man should say... I hope they didn't hear that..." After that, he changed to shouting, "Heeeey, get me out of here!" However, by bad luck (?), his comrades heard his shouts of, "Help me!" perfectly clearly and after that he was given the painful nickname, "Save me Sekine."
You really can't say, "Save me" I guess. lol It really made me laugh reading that. Ha ha!