Artist's commentary:
6/9にむきゅーって言わそうと思ってたら ずれ込んで6/10に描いたのでむぢゅーとなったんだけど、結局塗りあがったのが今更なのでどうしようもないよ!でもとにかくあげとくよ!パチェに夢中に!ぱちぇに6/12!(グルジオ・・・)
I had intended her to say "mukyuu" on June 9.
("6" is pronounced as "Muttsu" in Japanese and "9" is pronounced as "Kyuu")
However I got behind on my schedule and started drawing on June 10. So, I wrote "mujuu" instead of "mukyuu" in the pic.
("10" is pronounced as "Juu" in Japanese)
And oops! I've finished drawing at June 12. A goddamned mess!
Anyway, I've uploaded the image with all my passion for Patchy!
("~ni Muchuu ni (natte)" means "with all my passion for~" in Japanese and "12" is pronounced as "Juu-ni")
"Muchuu ni" -> "Mu-Chuu-ni" -> "Mu-Juu-ni" -> "6/12" a lame pun, he he...