Artist's commentary
Oops, Wrong Channel...
Sissel is obviously not amused...
Those who've played both Phoenix Wright-Ace Attorney and Ghost Trick understand what's going on in this image.
Ghost Trick is a REALLY AWSOME GAME!8D
TRAILER: [link]
The main character dies in the first few seconds of the game, and becomes a ghost. You have until sunrise to figure out what happened...
Ghost Trick was made by the same people as the Ace Attorney games, so I started drawing the characters of the AA games in the style of GT.
Phoenix Wright: [link] ______ Phoenix Wright Objects: [link]
Maya Fey: [link]
Miles Edgeworth: [link]
Godot: [link]
Diego Armando: [link]
Larry Butz: [link]
Shi-Long Lang: [link]
Mia Fey: [link]
Pearl Fey: [link]
Damon Gant: [link]
I think it's pretty obvious who I used as a base. (Sissel)
It's mostly just an edit...
Other GT Fanart:
Inspector Cabanela [link]
DAT CORE: [link]
Look at All the Clucks I Give: [link]
WARNING! Spoiler Alert!
While I was playing GT, I was thinking the whole time: "If Sissel is a ghost, than Maya could channel him, right? But what would that be like?" Well, probably something like this.
But where did Maya get the cool shades?
a) Secretly, she always carries them around in some secret ninja pocket
b) They're part of Sissel's soul (What? The blue flame had it!)
c) Those are no sunglasses......They're the world's most massive unibrow! (Ergo: get transferred along with facial structure)
Also, I know that the bow is on the wrong side, but it would have been in the way on the other side. (Just flip the image, and it's on the right side again!)
And he has his serious face on because, if he is being channeled he probably has something very important to say, but let's see if you can still take him seriously after this. XD
As it seems, I'm not the only one, who thought about this [link]
BTW. I'm sure most of you, who are also addicted to Youtube viral videos have seen that 'Greatest putt-putt shot of all time' video [link] well let's just say you Ghost Trick lovers will shed tears of joy at this version (i sure did) [link]