Artist's commentary
The Model Maker
The New Lunar Capital Expo was set to attract massive crowds. But before the doors opened at what was sure to be the event of the year, a certain puppeteer―or rather, a certain model maker was hard at work. That model maker was Alice Margatroid, and she was performing one last check to see if all of her models were up to standard. "Hm, you're just perfect," whispered Alice as she smiled at one of her creations with the same affection a mother has when looking at her child. The model―one of Alice's new designs―twirled and smiled back at her maker. "In fact, you're all perfect," said Alice, to which the models and all of the dolls who were helping Alice transport the models beamed with childlike joy. Alice's booth was finally coming together. It was the stage, and her models were the performers. "Is everyone ready?" she asked. The models all smiled and nodded. And with that, it was time for the New Lunar Capital Expo to begin.
All the attendees were having fun visiting their favorite creators' and friends' booths. As such, friends and fans alike gathered around Alice's booth. "Whoa, your new models are awesome! Even an amateur like me can see how much skill and attention to detail there is in your designs," exclaimed Marisa as, for some reason, she handed Alice some mushrooms to snack on. Then, with a wink, she said, "Don't you think it's about time you made a model of me?!" "Maybe if I feel like it," replied Alice. "Although, perhaps I'll make a model of these mushrooms instead." Try as she might, she couldn't hide her slight embarrassment. Marisa's compliments had been particularly kind, and they illuminated Alice's heart with all the colors of the rainbow. Her cheeks, however, were only colored red. "These new models are so cute, Alice!" It seemed a new guest had arrived. Alice and Marisa turned to see a familiar face.
It was Alice's fellow model maker, Narumi, who'd left her own booth to come and hang out. "Your models are always cute, but I love the coloring on these new ones!" The red of Alice's cheeks grew a shade deeper as she smiled and said thank you. Her eyes then turned to Narumi's new golem figurines. "They're so smooth. I can't believe they're made of stone. The skin looks even more realistic than the ones you had at the last event..." Alice and Narumi continued to sing each other's praises and talk in detail about their model-making processes. With all of the technical jargon, their conversation sounded like it was in some kind of foreign language to Marisa.
After a long, passionate discussion about model making, Narumi decided it was time to head back to her booth. "Anyway, us model makers have gotta give it our all! Especially if we wanna take on you-know-who!" she said as she waved goodbye. Alice looked around, but it seemed Marisa had snuck off somewhere. With a shrug, she glanced over toward you-know-who's booth. There stood Keiki Haniyasushin. Keiki had far more fans than Alice, but looking at the quality of her creations, she couldn't help but understand why. Her precision, her technique, and her artistic expressiveness were all on another level. "I have to keep honing my craft. In fact, maybe I should come up with a whole new set of designs for the next New LCX..." Artists constantly strive for perfection. Their pursuit is simultaneously a source of great happiness and great frustration.
Alice's models were transfixed on their maker, and the worried look on her face. But then... "You got another guest," said Marisa, snapping Alice out of her haze. Carrying a fresh bundle of books, once more, Marisa headed away from Alice's booth, presumably in search of even more books. Alice turned to see a small girl admiring her dolls. "Can I take a closer look?" she asked timidly. Alice nodded, and the girl's eyes lit up with joy. "Just one person is enough," thought Alice. "So long as there's one person out there who appreciates my models and thinks they're cute, I have no choice but to stay true to myself and my vision." Alice's eyes twinkled with determination in all the colors of the rainbow.