Artist's commentary
After School
- So, how was your first day at the school for cat-girls?
- Can I just not go back?
- Why?
- You all promised me that for two stamps in my planner, you'd buy me any treat in the store. And I only got one— for PE! Math was hard!
- What was so hard about it?
- The teacher gave us a bunch of problems, and we weren’t even allowed to count on our fingers! And they took away my phone and said I’d get it back only after class! And I had a calculator on it! So we had to solve problems using that silly method—column arithmetic! Can you believe it? I had to do mental math and write it down in my notebook!
- Wow! Column math on the first day? In regular schools some kids still can’t even add apples properly...
- We have a special learning program. The teachers say it helps us learn better.
- What kind of program?
- I don’t know… But I changed my mind- I'm not going back to school!
- No, Anya. Silly cat-girls aren’t wanted by anyone.
- I’m not silly!!!
- That’s right! And that’s why you’ll go to school—so you can become a very, very smart girl!
- Okay…