Dislikes: Filthy things, fallen angels, bell peppersRekael HaitoAge: 13 (2nd year middle school)
Birthday: Feburary 16
Height: 151 cm
Chest: Big
Blood type: ALikes: Chocolate, donuts, small birdsStrong-willed. Very caring and a so-called tsundere. An angel and a clean freak. She has a halo and wings, but they're usually hidden. One day, when she came home, she learned most of the angels had been wiped out, so she lives in an orphanage in the human world to search for the culprit. She met Tina soon after and they attend the same school.Arcana: XIV (Temperance)
Elements: LightNickname: RekaelTalents: ArcherySpecial ability: Heavenly PrayerCan heal others physically and mentally with the angels' power. Can also use it on herself to some extent. Limited to twice a day.