Artist's commentary
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原本PSD+process JPEG
◆FANBOX : https://tiamant-torriet.fanbox.cc/
어반 판타지 로맨스 "네개의 빛"
urban Fantasy Romance "Four Lights"
네개의 빛 : 제 1세계[이루카 루트]
Four Lights : The 1st World[Iruka Route]
STOVE https://indie.onstove.com/ko/games/1802/
STEAM https://store.steampowered.com/app/2444660/_/
네개의 빛 : 제 2세계[에리 에버 루트]
Four Lights : The 2nd World[Erie Ever Route]
STOVE https://store.onstove.com/ko/games/2693
STEAM https://store.steampowered.com/app/2708190/____2_Erie_Ever_Route/
네개의 빛 : 제 3세계[하리 루트]
Four Lights : The 3rd World[Hari Route]
STOVE https://store.onstove.com/ko/games/4764
STEAM https://store.steampowered.com/app/3437720/____3_Hari_Route/
$ 250 for 1 character
Contact me via dm, e-mail, or Discord
Discord ID : Torriet
1キャラクター $ 250 (33000円)
連絡はTwitter DMもしくはメール、ディスコードで
ディスコードID : Torriet
◆Twitter : twitter/Tiamant_Torriet
Past drawings are here!↓
◆Youtube : https://youtube.com/c/TiamantTorriet