Artist's commentary
Goku War
Explanations below👇
From top left
1. Legendary Super Saiyan Goku
2. Kakarot from "Dragon Ball After" by Young Jijii
3. Berserker Goku from SDBH
4. Crimson Masked Saiyan SDBH
5. goku from "The Others" by @kinzokumatto
6. Super Baby Goku 2
7. Turles
8. Kakarot if he joined Raditz/was with him from the beggining
9. Goku if he was an android by @SmugStickDB
10. Majin Goku
11. Goku if he was BETRAYED and TRAPPED in the time chamber for a MILLENIA
12. Crane School Goku by @SaladSaiyan
13. Captain Ginyu
14. Goku's Doll made by Mr. Popo
15. Goku's clone from DBFZ
16. Goku Black