Artist's commentary
Tower Anniversary
Everything doesn’t suddenly return to normal just because the incident has ended. Sometimes, dealing with the aftermath is even more work than the incident itself. This applies to every world, even the world with the Scarlet Devil Tower. This is the story of a time before the mistress of the tower returned. A time when the world was still recovering. The little sister of the mistress, Flandre Scarlet, nervously approached Sakuya and Patchouli.
After a moment’s hesitation, she plucked up her courage and said, “Umm, I wanna hold a party to thank everyone! Would that be OK…?”
Sakuya and Patchouli were trying to think of a way to let Flandre know they were too busy to put on a party. The problem was that Flandre seemed quite serious about this, and they didn’t want to hurt her feelings. They were still trying to come up with a response when a witch dressed in scarlet called out to them.
“What if I said I’d help you set it up?”
“Marisa? What are you doing here?”
“Flandre asked for my support, so here I am.”
Marisa, the Witch of Scarlet Dreams, bowed her head toward Sakuya and Patchouli.
“Please consider her request.”
A rumor had been going around that you could hear banging and crashing coming from the Scarlet Devil Tower at night. It starts off with the sounds of someone building something, followed by a loud crash and clatter of something breaking. The incident was over, so why would there be such a ruckus? Everyone was too scared to peek inside the tower to find out.
“Marisaaa! I accidentally broke it again! Sorry!”
Flandre was happily getting everything ready for the party as Marisa frantically tried to cover for her mistakes.
It was a bit cobbled together, but almost everything was ready a few hours before the party was scheduled to begin. Flandre was so exhausted that she fell asleep while resting her head on Marisa’s lap. Sakuya and Patchouli were delighted because they finally heard why Flandre wanted to hold the party in the first place.
“Zzzz… Remilia… I’ll protect our home…” mumbled Flandre in her sleep.
Flandre must’ve felt that it was her duty to protect their home in Remilia’s absence. She’s usually only good at destroying stuff, so after racking her brain, she came up with the idea of holding a party to thank everyone who’s helping to rebuild the tower.
Sakuya had a big smile as she said, “It’s been a while since we’ve had a party, so I’m going to gather up the fairy maids and cook up something special.”
“Huh…? Is it night already?”
Worried that she had run out of time to decorate, Flandre rubbed her eyes as she tried to sit up.
“Looks like our little party planner is finally awake.”
Marisa took Flandre’s hand and pulled her up. Before them was a table piled high with sweets, but what drew Flandre’s attention was the gift from her family, thanking her for all her hard work.
“That cake is HUGE!”
“Doesn’t it remind you of something?”
Flandre thought hard about Patchouli’s question, but then suddenly, her eyes opened wide in delight.
“It’s our home! It’s the Scarlet Devil Tower!”
Remilia still hadn’t returned, but her little sister was trying her hardest without her. This party was a reward for her efforts. Everyone at the Scarlet Devil Tower will surely grow from this experience, and just like the tower itself, they will continue to grow higher and higher with no end in sight.