Artist's commentary
Concealed Goddess
I wrote many books.
I put down my interpretation of the message I received from the Mahatmas, using a lot of well-known magical books as a reference. I wrote those books with such a feeling in my heart.
It was criticized by the British Empire and the Society of Psychic Research.
It was ridiculed by the center of mysteries, the Mage's Association Clock Tower.
"Typical," I thought.
"It can't be helped," I thought.
My work deviated greatly from the science-based modern civilization, and also from the Clock Tower with its long, unbroken history. And, none of them could hear the voices of the Mahatmas.
I won't lose to this feeling of hopelessness.
I don't care even if it's a truth that's only for me.
That great thing I once met, if I'm able to convey even a glimpse of it in any form, that would be fine.
...So be it.
...First, I'll be the one to lead myself.