Artist's commentary
Hound of Culann
"Yeah. That's my nickname.
The truth is, there was a savage dog the Ulsters had with that name.
A brave beast named Culann who protected the mansion.
A hell of an animal.
Such a hell of an animal that, without thinking, I attacked it for real...and killed it.
I didn't have to kill it, and the beast didn't have to attack me.
But, well, there was no helping it. We met and tried to kill each other.
I was the one who walked away the winner.
It was because we went at each other with everything, I have no regrets.
It's just... I wanted to show respect to a mighty enemy.
It's not often you meet a great warrior of a dog!
And, so, I raised his pups.
The second generation of Culann the Savage.
I'll raise them to eventually be guard dogs who will surpass their father...
Before I knew it, I'd taken his name as my nickname.
When I see an enemy, I howl and rampage, a beast who rips out their throats.
Just like Culann the Savage would, right?