Artist's commentary
Behind the Bullets: Reimu
Reimu Hakurei is Hakurei Shrine’s current maiden. Just like the shrine maidens who came before her, Reimu fulfills her duty of maintaining peace in Gensokyo by exterminating youkai and resolving incidents.
Reimu is “capable of flight,” but that’s not the same as flying. Thanks to her ability she’s completely unbound by physics, rules, and concepts, and can thus “fly.” She uses flight in her ultimate ability, Fantasy Nature, which is so powerful that it forced Marisa to remark, “I gamified it by giving it a Spell Card name. Otherwise, there’d be no way to win against it.”
On the lake shore stood a large western mansion, a rarity in Gensokyo. With the red moon at its back, the shadow it cast gave an air of insanity. One might expect the mansion to have been deadly silent or to have given off an unsettling aura, but the whole building shook with the sound of explosions and roars of battle. Inside, Reimu faced off against a fierce foe as she carried out her duty to exterminate youkai.
Her opponent was a powerful attacker and swift as the wind, but the Hakurei Shrine maiden was in her element. She showed not a wisp of fear. Over time she had exterminated countless youkai of all shapes and sizes, and she had the experience, fighting prowess, and breadth of techniques to prove it. Reimu’s not-yet-perfected Yin-Yang Orb fighting style wouldn’t be enough to stop this opponent, and her oonusa was ill-suited to long-range battles. Physical techniques were of no use. She would have to resort to attacking again and again with her efficient and effective long-range Sealing Needles and ofuda. In an instant, Reimu identified her best course of action and made her move.
“To think I’d be pushed this far…!” muttered Reimu with a wince. But that was not the muttering of one who sensed defeat was nigh, Reimu simply resented that she was having to put in so much effort. In the face of an unexpectedly strong foe, Reimu burned through her Sealing Needles and ofuda. With her ammunition beginning to dwindle, Reimu turned and fled from the battle. She had no intention of abandoning her fight, but she did need to stock up. Hiding in the shadows, Reimu worked quickly to perform the dull task of writing more ofuda. She wondered how many more it would take to stop that thing waiting for her inside. Reimu’s brush flicked this way and that as she tallied it up in her head with a grimace…