Artist's commentary
a garden grows
reminder; if youre interested in the drawing proces of this, there's a whole video of it on my patreon!! thanks!!
most of the drawings ive made where sol was included thus far has been her in her teens, whereas this would probably be a decade later, when she's in her mid twenties. (i sort of keep tabs on this by the length of her hair- in her teens it reaches her back, twenties reaches her calves, and in her thirties she cuts it short. havent really thought of it further than that yet)
during this time though, her and park have been together for around a decade, and despite the immortal stuff and park not aging at all, things are still very good between them. theyve lived together in this shitty small apartment for maybe a year or two, but they have no plans to move out because they're rather comfortable. my choice to have the light from the window be a very stark orangey yellow was rather intentional because since this is like 2050, i imagine extreme weather is very prevalent.
at the start of their relationship, park would usually leave in the evening as she doesnt need sleep bc of her druidism, but sol does. (and park is not edward cullen) not only that but i also feel like this mirrors park's struggles with intimacy in ways where the smallest things can seem very powerful to her and she gets a little scared, even if it is 'just' sleeping next to someone.
the idea of park being alone bothers sol tho. sol's first, very short and teenage-genius solution, was to stay awake all night but that obviously doesn't work in the long run, making sol a zombie during the day.
as the years pass and patience was shown however, park would develop a sense of inner calm and comfort with sol that could manifest to a sort of snooze state she could perform while sol slept. its more reminiscent of hypnosis or a trance than actual sleep, but regardless, they could spend their nights beside each other now. park doesnt value romantic or sexual acts, but these rather pedestrian types of small intimacies are super super major for her, and a big tell on how much she trusts her girlfriend.
strangely, this turns out to be very good for park in line with her druid abilities as well, sort of empowering them. this makes her powers 'recognize' sol's presence before she herself does, causing her to 'bloom' when they're near each other.