Artist's commentary
ID level 5
Wah, I think my hand feels better :) (Smile)
I can paint again but veeeeeeeeeery slowly and with many many breaks!
Here you can see the kitchen in my father's flat + a little selfportrait. I was fascinated by the reflection.
I was afraid I could'nt finish this because of my hand and the lack of time and my father said "Dont worry, you can take the ball to your place and finish it then" Haha. thats cute, isnt it. Luckily its done in time :3
photoshop CS3
I did this on my father's laptop so I'm sure the colors are crap.... I'll change them later when I'm back home!...maybe.
Oh, and he made that owl-statue (its clay), he is reading the comments so I'm sure he would be happy about some words about his work, haha.