Amayazuki YuaNickname: YuaAge: 10 (5th year elementary school)
Birthday: October 24
Height: 135 cm
Chest: Small
Blood type: OLikes: Sleeping, cat milkDislikes: Nightmares, spicy thingsTalents: Can sleep anywhereA sleepy-looking girl with a flat gaze. She does things at her own pace and is a bit careless. One day, after having a nightmare, poltergeists would start moving her belongings whenever she goes to sleep. Her parents were creeped out and abandoned her, causing her to end up in an orphanage. After meeting Tina, she transferred to a nearby elementary school.Arcana: XIII (The Reaper)
Elements: DarknessSpecial ability: Disastrous NightmareMaterializes what she considers to be nightmares. Mainly summons vengeful bone spirits. But they also scare her, so they don't last long.